The Reach Gallery, Hong Kong

The Reach Gallery’s opening space delivers a dazzling graphic punch. The 3D design of the client’s H-shaped logo and the glittering skyscraper outlines formed by dark metal rods and discs were inspired by Fritz Lang’s iconic 1927 film, Metropolis. The crossbar of the H descends when visitors arrive, and the tectonically slabbed plinth carrying a model of the property scheme slides forward. Visitors then move from this sleekly rectilinear opening scene into a futuristic, organically-shaped display and video space.

The design of the display spaces presents aspects of the client’s scheme as if they were in an art gallery. Perspex sectional models are mounted on the rich red walls, and models of the buildings in the scheme are in individual display cases, giving them the aura of valuable objets d’art. Antony Chan also created a dramatic pièce de résistance – a 1:5 scale model of one of the homes on the development site.